Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2nd annual family reunion

this past weekend, we got to go to a family reunion for my mom's side of the family. she is the baby of 4 sisters...and 3 of them live pretty close together so we get together every fall (this was the 2nd now it's a THING)

their other sister lives in california and is always missed, for sure! over the years, we've gone to the beach with this crew, celebrated new year's eve, and thanksgiving. it changes depending on what works best for people. right now, this is what works best - so it's what we do! i LOVE that everyone makes it happen!

my uncle richard manned the grill.

this is a precious picture. and does my heart (and, i know rebekah's!) good.
the 2 patriarchs of the family...and Gabby - my cousin, Chris' girlfriend who we all ADORE!
believe me. it was THAT fun and exciting! good grief...i don't even know who TOOK this picture!
sorry. he's mine.

last year there was a lot of drama with this kid at this event. there was actually a lot of drama every DAY with this kid a year ago. i actually had a really hard time emotionally with this day...all the memories from last year were hard to face again. but it was a GOOD day for him. i wish i could focus more on that than all the echoes of hurt and pain that still exist in my heart...
my sister walked levi to the bathroom and they took a detour to the playground. she sent me this... :-)
teal is the color for ovarian cancer...which my aunt kim is fighting. so we all showed up (boys too!) with our fingers painted for her.
rebekah wanted us to wear our rend collective shirts :-)
kim's family

ALL the cousins (except my brother, steve, who couldn't be there because he was IN a wedding! we MISSED him!)
 susan's family

and grandma always comes through! silly string to finish off the day!
we stopped and got ice cream for dinner on the way home...what a fun day!

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