Thursday, September 25, 2014

more reunion pics. and commentary.

first off. i took none of these pictures. but i have to have them here because they tell about the day. and it was a beautiful one.

our camp for the day.

it was like a summer day. 80's and sunny. just like heaven will be ;-)
if anyone showed up without their nails painted, they got that problem fixed right away.

so apparently this dog doesn't even let people PET her. but she found safety between my legs. for a LONG time. i guess cause they are so...SOLID...ugh...

me guarding the food table. lincoln close by. ha! (not really funny...but...)

the whole group!!

i love this picture a lot.
heather and bailey.

seeing a REAL smile on that man of mine does my heart good.

when she walked him to the bathroom
i love sawyer's face looking at kim :-)

sorry! they were just all good. and a little different.
the kids getting the adults with the silly string.

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