Tuesday, September 23, 2014


we all like to be INVITED, don't we? wanted. noticed.

i believe strongly in INVITING people to step into where God is moving and working. if they choose to accept the invitation, that's totally up to them and their heart! it's not comfortable to me to lay out the invitation (even if it's just on facebook!) but i will continue because EVERY time i'm humbled and amazed at the people that choose to accept it. every day for the last 3 weeks i've received clothes and money for the precious children in haiti that we will be hugging in a little over a week!

we also had a bike collection at church for an organization in nicaragua (AWESOME stuff!). i posted about it on facebook, and a week later 35 bikes got picked up from my garage.

do you have something you can invite people into? a place where God is working and needs our hands and feet? be BRAVE!

1 comment:

Five Arrows Farm said...

Wow is this ever encouraging. We're in the beginning process of adopting (from Burundi) and the inviting and asking and making a point to let people in to something I feel so vulnerable about is scary - but this is so (SO!) encouraging! Thank you. Needed this today and God knew it. :)
