Friday, February 7, 2014

another day together!

wednesday the kids were off school thanks to a little bit of ice.
yay :-)

first we wrote the Bible for a few minutes. i LOVE doing that all together. joshua and bailey are regularly doing this on their own, when they have time. the rest of us have just done it a few times when we've set a timer and done it together. levi just sits there and observes :-) it's quiet, but if someone reads something cool, they share, which i love. it's a sweet time!
then we went to the gym. confession: sometimes i sit on the bench to "cool down" for a little longer than i need to. just because i'm alone. and no one is calling me, "mom". :-)
came home and BAKED our little hearts out in our fun kitchen!

first, rebekah and i made some banana bread. it definitely had BROCCOLI slaw in it, and was SO yummy. not even kidding.

while that was cooking, these 3 finished their valentine mailboxes that they have to bring to school for valentine's day. i taped the red paper on. that was it. times are changing, and i LOVE it!! (not sure if it's me caring less what the finished product looks like, or them being older and able to do it on their own, or a combination of the 2...)

the finished bread...
next joshua and i made his birthday cake. he chose my grandma's pound cake. which happens to be MY favorite cake in the whole world! he's never chosen that cake before? it was a fun surprise! i would have made the cake myself while he was in school, but he seemed really excited about making it together, so we did!

he REALLY did pretty much EVERY bit on his own!

and had a sweet audience :-)

ready to go in the oven! (apparently i leave all the doors open when i'm cooking...pantry door, cabinet door...)
he EVEN washed the dishes! i didn't even ask?!? this kid.
this. THIS i LOVE! this oven sings little songs to me. and cooks perfectly. and holds SO much! and, well, i just LOVE them.
it's DONE!

the afternoon was spent resting (except i caught a little boy that was supposed to be resting...watching his older siblings playing the Wii ;-)) and running errands...
it was kind of the perfect day. we were all happy at the end of it.

1 comment:

Holly said...

the lighting in your kitchen is giving you ahmazing pictures!!! JUST WHAT YOU HOPED FOR!!!