Sunday, December 29, 2013

christmas day 2013

we had a great Christmas. always flies by. always feels a bit like we spend too much of our time on the "wrong" things and too little on Him.

their anticipation is fun...waiting to come down the stairs!

 opening their "stockings" (which, thanks to tradition from my side of the family, means a whole couch cushion of little "stuff". it's always been my favorite part of Christmas...and my kids would say it's theirs, too!

 pat made this binder for Sawyer's football and baseball cards. made a cover for it and everything. (Sawyer got that Captain America hoodie in his stocking. and hasn't taken it off since. 5 days later...)

 then we made a HUGE breakfast. monkey bread. biscuits. sausage. bacon. eggs. fruit.

 after breakfast is cleaned up, we do the candle. (reading the Christmas story)
 then it's time to open presents. the first presents we open are the ones we bought for Jesus. they love to share what they chose to buy...rabbits. clean water. soccer balls. Bibles.
 then we open the kids gifts to each other. i think this was my favorite part of the day. they are so excited to GIVE.
 then our gifts to them.
 sawyer jumped up and was so cute!
 it's blurry...but i think you can see his joy!

 the aftermath.
 a little time for them to build lego's while i started on dinner preparations.
pat's parents, and sister and her family came over later in the afternoon. i was BUSY with dinner preparations so got very few pictures, but we had a great time together. we grilled steak and chicken and made homemade tortillas for fajita's. yum!

all the grandkids on pat's side lined up...

 joshua got a knife and used the little scissors MANY times Christmas day!

 pat's parents always give us lotto tickets - we won some money this year!
pat's family had to leave before we got to Jesus' birthday it was just the 8 of us for that...which was a nice way to end the day!
 happy birthday, Jesus! we sure are thankful you came to Earth for us!

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