Sunday, December 29, 2013

acts of kindness advent

i've shown and mentioned our new advent this past december.
i bought these cards from here. and absolutely ADORED them.
we hung them in our dining room windows and added a new one each day.
in years past, i've come up with and had us do an act of kindness each day in december. last year it got so stressful and the kids were being such brats, that i scrapped the whole thing.

this year, i decided to do something different. i cut up and put pieces of red paper on the windowsills under the advent cards. if anyone did an act of kindness, they could write it on a slip of paper, and clip it behind the card for that day.

on december 26, when i was taking them all down, it was precious to see all that they had done. and to have it in their handwriting (yes, i saved them!) i think this is how we will be doing it from now on!