Wednesday, April 3, 2013

my least favorite parenting chore

this is happening today.
levi is getting potty trained.
child #6 (although i "got out of" potty training #4, but i would have traded the issues he had from having no family for 4 years and gladly potty trained him!)

i potty trained the other 4 kids RIGHT when they turned 2. levi is the oldest BY FAR. i was in no rush. but it was time.
remember how he loves water? so so much? with the other kids, i had to give them lemonade to get them to drink A LOT. not him! i usually limit his water - more so i don't have to change his diaper so often! and so it doesn't leak at night, but not today. i think he thought i'd lost his mind. he had finished off about 5 cups of water by 9:30 am! and peed in the potty LOTS of times!
the thing i DO love about potty training (possibly the ONLY thing) is their cute little bottoms in the underwear :-)

they played behind those curtains for a good 15 minutes. so so cute. they were waiting for grandma :-)

he's only had 2 accidents so far - 1 when i was in the shower. and the other on the way home from lunch. not bad! joshua (of course) was the easiest to potty train. but levi is a close 2nd!


Mandy said...

oh my gosh! i'm doing that next week!! i may need to call so we can vent together. ugh. i've never done a boy and i'm sort of nervous about it!

Leighann said...

ryan was our oldest too... at 3. both girls trained easily at 2. ryan's much less independent. he trained last summer. is just now running to the potty without having to tell me and hold his crotch for me to tell him to run to the potty. (he knows he just won't go by himself!). and is now pooping in the little potty without telling me and wiping himself. *gross*. i now find more specialness throughout my day. :) good luck with Levi. The frequent pee-ers are the easiest because there's so much repetition.

Holly said...

man...those little boys just make me MELT!

Unknown said...

How precious is that last picture?