Tuesday, January 29, 2013

back to "normal"

 {my baby}

man. i LOVE my mornings with these 2 little boys. so sweet. so simple. i need as many of them as i can get right now.

we stopped on the side of the road and watched dump truck after dump truck pour our their dirt...he was in heaven!
i haven't talked "feelings" lately...because i am struggling with feelings of hopelessness right now. and i feel like a broken record. i KNOW things take time. and God is working. and i need to keep my eyes on Him and choose LOVE in all things. but all of that is hard when ugly moments turn into ugly hours turn into ugly...well, you get the point. I WANT ALL THE UGLINESS TO END! mostly the ugliness of my heart, but also the ugliness that affects the atmosphere of our home at times and puts instant walls up in my heart. ugh. hopeless.

{my first baby}
that says, "mom. guess what?" and when i say, "what?" he says, "i love you!" with the CUTEST smile.
it's a game i've played with all my kids. 
he's the only one that does it back to me. 
and i melt.


Chrissy said...

Hi. I've followed your blog for awhile now, mostly because I can TOTALLY relate to the stress you feel as a mom of many kids, both bio and adopted (we have 7). I know the feeling of hopelessness as we struggle with our 3 year olds on a daily (hourly?) basis. Someone recommended that we talk to an attachment therapist and I have to say, it really has helped, so I guess I'm offering the same suggestion to you? I'm not from your area so I couldn't recommend anyone. Please know that a complete stranger is praying for you in the midwest!

Leighann said...

Praying for you today... and always. Love you.

Unknown said...

Having one child with atypical tendencies and needs and one child who is easy to parent, I can relate and empathize. You've been on my mind a lot lately, and now I know why.