Wednesday, November 28, 2012

a picture can say a thousand words...

or something like that, right?

but what do WORDS say?

read this and let me know. wow.

{i'm fine. people start worrying when i don't post for a couple days. things are fine. just a little overwhelmed, a little more being in the moment, a little trying to regroup from thanksgiving WHILE planning for december, a little checking hair...ok...a lot of that - but that is going WELL! i think we've kicked it! bye-bye lice!!!}


Michelle said...

Such vivid descriptive hard to read. My mother's heart aches to picture it.

Katy said...

Heart ache.

jenn said...

no words.

only tears.

and prayers.

Beckysblog said...

Wow. That will change you. Forever.