Thursday, June 2, 2011

showered with love

i am BLOWN away with the love that is being showered on our family for lincoln and levi. it is amazing. and such a testimony of GOD being in this!

on tuesday, at my kickboxing class (which i's by FAR my instructor is AMAZING), my instructor walked over to me and gave me a present for lincoln and levi!!! how sweet was that?!??
yesterday a friend came by and brought us lunch AND dinner which was SUCH a gift...and made for an AWESOME afternoon/evening (more on that later!) AND she brought me a huge diet coke from chick fil a! :-)

and then, i opened a VERY special envelope...what could be in it??

it's from my barn house girls. an envelope of notes for ME to bring to africa (since they can't come with me!) and read each day! oh, how that spoke to my heart. has me in tears just writing about it. i have NEVER known such lavish love and grace as i have on this journey. never. i do NOT take it for granted. and i KNOW it is from HIM. ti want to hold it close and always remember. this is so so sweet.
thank you, my sweet friends!!! it's safely packed in my suitcase already!

and, just because it's so cute...i tried to keep sawyer away from rebekah yesterday. it lasted about 2 minutes.


Megan said...

What an awesome blessing (the notes)! And to see how God is using you to touch so many around you (the kickboxer)!

Michelle said...

We love you all!

Leighann said...

What a great gift from friends. So thoughtful and so YOU!