Friday, May 14, 2010


all day i beg {in my head, of course} for some space.
i just want a minute to go to the bathroom by myself.
or the time to finish a complete thought without being interrupted by a scream or request or question.


they want to be at the neighbor's house every afternoon (he has a ride-on jeep!)
and i can stand in my kitchen and prepare dinner in peace and quiet.

and then i take all those thoughts back.

i prefer the chaos.
mark it down.
i do.

this peace and quiet is deafening.


Alden and Dorian said...

Oh yeah my dear daughter ~ the cycle of motherhood: too much of a good thing (young wonderful children) and the "loss" of the good thing (older kids and then GROWN kids). Isn't it great to get it....and appreciate it in the midst! I love that you have it!!! Enjoy. There is nothing like it ~

Beckysblog said...

I hear you. I do that too!

Katy said...

totally laughing over here. just today i was thinking to myself - why can't i get a little breathing space - as jacob and callie were practically on TOP of me while i was cleaning my bathroom. but i'm with you - when they are gone somewhere else, all i want is them right back next to me!