Friday, February 5, 2010

joshua's 6th birthday party!

joshua had a GREAT birthday party!
we are so glad we got it in with the crazy snowstorm we are having!!!

i apologize for all the pictures!
but the grandma's and blog book need them :-)

as the kids arrived, we sent them to the basement and they played Hullabaloo until all the kids got here.

then we divided into 2 team - red and blue
we had 3 sports stations set up: basketball, football and golf.
{we were initially going to have 3 teams...but 2 worked out better)

i manned the basketball station.
{we borrowed the basketball and football games! nice, huh??}

pat manned the football station :-)

and rebekah manned the golf station
{which we borrowed from the yard sale pile that is growing in the guest room of our basement...if you like it, it will be for sale in our yard in a couple months :-)}

after a drink break, we had a treasure hunt for 6 little items {that ended up being their goody bag}

then it was time for cake and ice cream!
it was so fun to see joshua having so much fun...and really act silly and cRAZy sometimes!
he's such a calm, sweet kid...but it was cute to see him be a little wild :-)

it was a good group of boys.
they got insanely loud in a matter of seconds...and my head was pounding for the rest of the day...but it was worth it all for the smile on joshua's face.

how cute is he looking up at his balloons.
it was like he couldn't believe it was all for real and for HIM.


isn't it cute how intently joshua is watching rebekah??

this was my favorite part...because this is the calmest they were the whole time!

it finally broke!

opening gifts...

and looking at cute handmade cards!

it was such a great day for joshua.
we loved doing it for him.
and i'm so glad we did it!
but i'm not sure it will be something we'll be doing every year.

later in the afternoon i caught sawyer with one of the goodies from a goody bag :-)

and we are looking forward to a weekend at home.
with each other.

we'll be building new lego sets...and playing new games...and shoveling :-)


Alden and Dorian said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so wonderful! Loved all the games, seeing the kids, watching the videos and most of all watching Joshua's smile!!!! What a wonderful day you gave this sweet boy. Happy early Birthday Joshua. Rest up Mom and Dad!!!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures and fun.

beckley said...


Jackson says, "I want to meet your friend."

And, "He always likes to read?"

And, "Why are you writing that?"

Great party. Glad it was fun!!! Great Cake!!!

Holly said...

those were great!

Julie said...

those are fun pics, love them and he is so adorable.

I love your cake...

And I am anxiously awaiting the time when it clicks for ELi.... seriously. I cry thinking about it, since he is not liking it much now. *sigh* One day :)

Tammy said...

SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE THE COOLEST MOMMY EVER!!! Can I be just like you when I grow up (or maybe when Wilson grows up). What a special memory for Joshua

sorry I posted this on the wrong entry before...

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