Friday, February 5, 2010

the cake

pat was gone last night.
i was freaking, remember?

but it ended up being such a nice (BUSY!) night for me.
just spent the time while i was getting ready for the party thinking about this little boy we were celebrating.

the party was all about SPORTS!


Beckysblog said...

Did you do that decorating? Im jealous of your steady hand!

Looks like the party for your boy was perfect!

Heather said...

Hi Courtney! What a wonderful job you did for Joshua's friend party. I sure hope it did not get snowed out. Give that sweet little boy a big hug and a happy birthday from me. I hope he has a fun birthday weekend in the snow. Love You- Heather

Alden and Dorian said...

Loved the cake Courtney!!!!!

Tammy said...

SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE THE COOLEST MOMMY EVER!!! Can I be just like you when I grow up (or maybe when Wilson grows up). What a special memory for Joshua

Megan said...

Awesome cake! Loved cute, even with the yard markers. Also, love that he is loving great to see in boys!