Friday, February 5, 2010


it has clicked.

ever since i was a teacher....seeing reading "click" for kids is one of the coolest things ever!

we can't stop joshua from reading...he has taken piles of books from rebekah's room and he reads ALL.THE.TIME.
in the car.
while we're hanging out at home.
while we're waiting for bailey at ballet.

i hope he always loves to read.


Jennifer said...

Oh Courtney, I have always felt the SAME WAY! LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. seeing that light bulb come on. reading the signs on the road, the boxes at the grocery store. everything. their. eyes. come. across. So cool! I think it's my favorite "milestone" hands down. Once they reach that marker, the WHOLE world opens up to them.

Yeah Joshua!


Alden and Dorian said...

Amazing, simply amazing.