well, it was time to get our revenge...
with the football season in full swing, there has been WAY too much trash talk going on (they are HUGE Steelers fans...and we {duh} are huge Cowboys fans)
we sent a letter from "Demarcus Ware" (a Cowboys player for those of you that aren't "with it") a couple weeks ago...just warning them...
we knew the Goetz' were going to the farm today...all day...so it was our chance!
we went to their house right after church with the back of our car loaded with all the fun stuff we had made, etc. {kelly...THAT'S partly why we were all in jeans :-)}
pat and rebekah unloading the car.
we stuck a LOT of tootsie rolls pops all over their yard...
decorated the front of their house in blue and silver!!
and even had a scarecrow with a dallas jersey and a silver star pumpkin for a head!!
"we're boo-ing the Goetz'!"
bailey was telling everyone we saw today...neighbors...people at church...
"we're gonna "boo" the Goetz!!!"
the kids had made some signs...stars and "Cowboys"...
we threw some bags of candy all over their front walkway...
and left a note...just to make sure they knew who had been there...
we had some fun phone calls from them once they got home this evening!
hilarious! good work, even for cowboy fans. GO EAGLES!
so fun! :)
That is hysterical, way to get your revenge...LOL..
that's SO awesome...can't wait to see how things escalate!! :)
This was great, guys! We were discussing how appropriate this was right before Halloween...people thinking we're Dallas fans - how scary!!!!!! You guys are great and the we all loved it! Hmmm, I wonder what coms next!
Thanks for a great end to the perfect fall day!
that is hilarious! i was wondering when the retaliation was going to strike this season! i heard the cowboys pulled it out in OT yesterday. our titans are depressing us....
This is Hi.lar.i.ous!! Love seeing the next chapter in what I am sure will be an ongoing story...
Love this. Bridge was all smiles when she was telling me about it at AWANA pick up.
that is so funny... love the picks of the kids, they are so proud of what they did
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