we pop popcorn (the old-fashioned way)
and we ALL sit on the couch together.
{it was one of our criteria when we picked our new couch...we had to ALL fit on it! and we'll still all fit with 2 more kids...at least for a few more years...til they all get bigger...}
it's all part of us trying to be more still and restful and together on Sundays.
up until now, sawyer takes a little nap when we get home.
but today we let him stay up (we got home a little later after the "revenge mission").
he didn't sit there like that the whole time.
but it was cute to see him there for a few minutes!
and i just have to say...i love my husband.
it's been SO fun to be together this weekend.
i'm just so thankful to be able to spend time with my best friend.
he's so patient and forgiving and gracious with me...
he has today off, too!
we are headed to the farm...be ready for some fun fall pictures! :-)
My neice and nephew (10 & 7) love little house on the prairie. There is not a lot on that my sister let them watch... Little House and Andy Griffith Show are their favorites. Can't wait until mine get a little older and I can share my LH books with them.
jealous that you get your hubby for one more day.
excited for fall pictures. :)
I love Little House on the Prairie!! That was a staple in my home growing up. We video taped every episode and watched them over and over!I want to come next Sunday!!
my boys have never seen it...i need to get some from the library and let them get the experience! :) wish we had a day off today!! i guess we don't believe in columbus down here in SC!
It was definitely cold and yes it's fall already, how crazy is that but you still got some cute pictures.
I love that picture of Sawyer, he is making a face I see on Jasper a lot... it makes me laugh when he does it and then he looks at me and smiles. I love that you are watching it together...maybe we should do it here too...
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