if you just want to see pictures, scroll down.
(my mom took lots of pictures too, that i hope to add once i get them, so check back maybe tomorrow?)
but there are some of you that might be interested in all these little details (like, Beth, who is running her first 1/2 tomorrow!)
i woke up at 4:30 am.
nursed sawyer and put him back to bed (he's SO flexible, huh?!?)
got dressed (my pink shirt - that i've worn in both my 10k and the sprint triathlon!) and ate a granola bar.
Remi picked me up at 5 am.
we got off the Metro at our stop in DC at 6:08 am (that early in the morning, every went a little faster!)
the race didn't start til 7 am and it was FREEZING outside so we waited in the Metro station til about 6:40 am.
then we up to the race, went to the bathroom and started!!!
i was just so glad to finally start RUNNING.
i was so nervous and it was making it worse just waiting.
i was also FREEZING (it was 28 degrees-ish) but was glad i wore what i wore in the end.
pat was A.MAZING.
he got the kids out of bed at 5:30 to leave the house at 5:45 am!
took ALL 4 on the Metro by himself and met me at mile 3!
my mom and dad and sister, Hannah were also there cheering me on!
Mile 3! the sun coming up!
the run was awesome. perfect. fun.
Remi and i stayed together the whole time.
i didn't drink water til mile 7 and then at mile 11 (i think) and felt good about that. they were handing water and powerade out ever 2 miles. but i don't NORMALLY drink that often, so i didn't.
i wanted to pace myself using my Garmin, but it wasn't working in all the tall buildings and tunnels we were running through.
but we managed to get in a good groove...i THINK at the pace we wanted.
i have had an issue with my hip (IT band?) for about 2 1/2 months (since around Christmas).
it hurts, um, all the time.
and it starts hurting a lot once i get past 3 miles running.
but i managed... :-)
i can be really stubborn when i need to.
Mile 7! over halfway! (see my dad, Rebekah, Bailey and my mom in the background behind me?)
there we go! see you at the finish! (Remi is the one in the blue jacket with the long ponytail on my right...her family was at mile 7 too.)
my cheering team waiting at the finish.
and here we come.
we made it.
this is going UP the final hill (why do they do that?!?) to the finish line.
as we we approaching the finish line, the announcer guy start getting all loud and crazy and going into this whole story about the guy (i don't know WHO he's talking about) that's about to finish. and i'm thinking, "WHAT is he cheering for? what's the big deal?" and then i realize that the WINNER of the FULL MARATHON is about to finish!!! he basically finished right with us. yes, we finished HALF his distance in the same time. that will keep you humble...
our official time was 2:10:39 (that's 2 hours and 10 minutes)
not bad for my first one and 4 kids (one of which is an 8 month old baby!) :-)
i'm sad pat isn't in any of these pictures.
because he was such a huge part of today.
all those saturday mornings that he watched the kids so i could run for 2 hours...
he supported me every mile leading up to today.
and it was SO great having him there!!!
the kids were so cute.
every time i saw bailey (at mile 3 and 7) i could tell she was so confused...they rushed to see mommy and i just kept running. she thought i should stop and see her!
i tried to nurse sawyer before we headed home and he completely refused.
you might think it's because i was sweaty and gross.
but he's used to that.
that's how i nurse him every morning right after i run.
i don't know what his deal was. but that was frustrating.
once we got home (and he slept on the way home - he was SO tired) he nursed fine.
he apparently did SUCH a great job today.
what an accomplishment!
i'm so thankful for my running group that trained me so well.
i'm so thankful for Remi for running basically EVERY mile with me for the last few months.
i'm so thankful for Pat for his support.
i'm so thankful for my parents and sister for being there!
i'm so thankful for all your support - emails, notes, comments, prayers - i felt them!
i'm so thankful that i have a body healthy enough to do this!
i truly love it.
i thought this was going to be IT.
the only one.
but i'm not sure...
(i DO know i will NEVER run a full marathon, just for the record.)
i was able to take a nap. the other days that i've run LONG distances, i haven't been able to sleep, my body is so keyed up. maybe it was the crazy wake-up time this morning? :-)
my legs are feeling it. especially on the stairs.
but i feel good!!
Congratulations! I am glad you felt good and had fun.
I'm in awe. Congratulations to you! What an accomplishment!
That is awesome! You rock!!!
That was so exciting to read about and watch!!! THANK YOU for all the great pictures...HUGE accomplishment Courtney!!!!...Yes, I have a feeling it won't be your last one...SOOO proud of you!!!!!! :)
You are a rock star! :)
OHHHH - it makes me wish SO badly I was there! I'm so glad that everything went well!!!!! Sounds like you did AWESOME - if you finished when the full-marathon winner finished, then you definitely ROCKED it!!!! I'm SO proud of you Courtney! (And for the record, I KNEW you could do it and have been TELLINg you for the last year!) And I would be SHOCKED if you never did another one - also for the record. AND, when I finished my first 1/2 last year, Callie wouldn't nurse afterwards either. I think it was my body that was too keyed up. She was fine later too - it all works out. That's AWESOME Courtney - you ROCKED it! Now good luck going DOWN stairs for the next few days -that's when you'll feel it. AND, if it is you IT band that's bothering you, then you need to take a BREAK for a few months and let it rehab. I know, I don't know why I even bother telling you, because I'm sure you won't. But that's what you SHOULD do! Okay, I love you girl!
Never say never! You never know :) Dude, I am so proud of you! What an amazing accomplishment!! Love you, rockstar!! :)
im soooo happy 7
& excited for you & sooo proud.
BUT i will bet that you will do a full marathon one day (with me hopefully).
Just putting it out there...
way to go courtney!
what an accomplishment!!
My husband has been gone all day with my computer, and I have been itching to see how the big run went. I am SOOO proud of you! Yay! Have been thinking about you all day and so glad to hear it went well and you finished well. I love how you snuck that comment in about halfway about "not bad for my first one" and then at the end tried to pretend like the thought of your next one is not in your head yet. ;-) And I agree with the commenter who told you never to say never....you don't know what the future may hold for you someday in the marathon arena! I love you! You did great!
Way to go Courtney, congrats, well done.
Awesome, Courtney!!!! I am so happy for you! Sounds like you had a fun time despite the hip issue and had a lot of adoring fans cheering you on! And thanks for the play-by-play! I love it! Looked like you could have run longer, too! :)
Way to go, great... Go girl....
Amazing job! That's pretty inspiring there girl! Love your dedication and spirit. And love the pictures of your family there with you :) SO cool Courtney. Definitely thought this deserved the 'only second time ever' anonymous comment lol! Maybe I'll start a trend. ;)
Stacie E.
Congrats Courtney... I have been gone so long that I didn't even know you did this. I am so proud of you! I know you have been training and what a blessing that you did it and you look so happy in the pics. You are such a rock star!!!!
I am curious as if you have finished your blog book...obviously I am sooo far behind, because I have no internet access at the hospital... and behind on everything...but just wondering if you finished and if the software worked the way you remembered and like it?
i've been dying to get on here and leave you a comment! i checked your blog on Anthony's blackberry over the weekend but couldn't get it to let me leave a comment! :(
SO SO SO proud of you! you did an amazing job! all the pictures are GREAT and you are right, i loved all the details! :) you were so fast!
it was such an exciting thing to be a part of. i didn't have a partner but my sister decided to run the race last minute and it was neat to have her there running beside me for most of the race. i was worried most of the weekend about my knee from my fall but was able to find a way to wrap it that made moving it feel alright. PTL!!! i hope to get pictures up and blog about it today. :) i finished in 225 which was GREAT for me. my goal was to finish in 230. :) i just loved every minute of the run and so glad i trained like i did b/c there was never a time where i hated it or wished it was over... i was ready to see the finish line but still smiling! :) katy ran 7 miles herself meeting up with me at different spots and taking pictures. she's such an encourager isn't she? and i couldn't have started this running journey without her. i can't tell you how glad i am she picked up running b/c i would still be a couch potato if it hadn't been for her!!! my life is FOREVER changed!
i can't wait to do another one! :) also don't see a full in my future...much too much commitment with small children and just don't even have a desire at this point..but more half's for sure! :) and you're right, i too couldn't have done it without Anthony's support. we are so blessed to have these men in our lives, aren't we! :) i bet Pat was beaming from ear to ear and so proud of you!!! :) GREAT JOB!
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