The Monument Avenue 10K...what an experience! it was like nothing i could have imagined. but how could i imagine something i've never done? for the first few minutes you're just trying not to run into the person in front of you or trip on anyone else's shoes. once we spread out a little, you start taking it all in...thousands of runners and just as many spectators, bands playing (some helped, some not so much) i hoped i'd feel great and just love it. i struggled. it was a hard run. but i finished and i ran the whole thing - that was my goal.
i can't even begin to express my gratitude to all those who were a part of supporting me! cary - thanks for getting us everywhere we needed to be and for the gloves - you are amazing, Mr. Ironman. (by the way, he got HIS personal best time in the 10k!) leah - you WERE my legs for the second half of the race. thank you SO much for all your encouragement and for staying with me! and ali and ej - thanks for watching joshua and bailey and being there to cheer for me! pat and rebekah - i needed you there near the end. and everyone else that was thinking about me and praying for me - thanks!
i think i might run a couple 5k's to gain a little more confidence before i do another 10k.

I am so very proud of you! Brian and I have been checking your blog all day to see if there were any updates. Is Pat calling you a runner now? You look great. By the way did we miss your birthday? Brian thinks it is in April but I am afraid that we missed it, I want to celebrate with you...
no, you didn't miss it, it's not til April 10...
oops! sorry about the last "comment." Holly bumped my had and then I accidentally hit clicked on publish as I was trying to edit it! congratulations on the run! you look awesome and if were feeling good enough to eat lunch afterwards and not barfing, i would say that the race was a success. i thought about you as i was running on my treadmill in the morning! :)
Congratulations!!! You did it!!! You never forget your first race...mine was across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge...way cool...first two miles on an incline but the rest down hill or flat... Keep on with the 10K's...Now that you have done one, you don't need to do a 5K...it will be too easy for you! I cannot believe Rebekah did the mile run...Lindsey is joining the morning jogging club at school. Broadlands has a 10K in the fall with a kids fun run so maybe they can do it together. You should be very proud of yourself!
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