Thursday, August 8, 2013

one of many perfect days! (friday)

 our daily set up...
happy girl. on the beach with my camera.
 the little pools that are made as the tide goes out were so fun for the little boys to play in.

so this is fun. my mom took it...of me taking a picture...

and this is the picture i got!

here's another! (don't worry. this is it.)

 one of my favorites of the week:
 admittedly, it wasn't often. but proof that i did do things on the beach other than read and take pictures :-)
 we took the little boys back for naps. and pat and i took turns in the afternoon. first, he and joshua went and played tennis and i hung out at the house with rebekah and bailey. i let them drive the golf cart up and down the street. i have countless memories of driving my grandpa's golfcart on his land when i was their made my heart happy!

when pat and joshua got back, the girls and i RAN to the beach! with some fun drinks!

that night we went to dinner at Zaxby's (um. YUM!) and had some fun :-)

once we got back to the house, i made a TON of chocolate chip scones...for our crew and we were hoping to drive to richmond the following day to welcome the fogarty's home from china and we wanted to give them some yummy food.

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