Thursday, August 8, 2013

arriving and getting into our routine (wednesday and thursday)

the beauty of our week this past week was unreal.
we were in myrtle beach from wednesday to wednesday.
the weather was almost perfect (one afternoon of rain).
the company was definitely perfect - so much laughter and fun and laidback attititudes and no drama.
the accommodations were comfortable and way more than we needed.

we were so blessed by all my parents did to make it a week we will never forget.

if you hate beach pictures, you might want to not read this little blog for a few days ;-) because i LOVE the beach and LOVE taking pictures so, there are a LOT.

we arrived wed afternoon, but my parents and steve had been there a couple days and hannah and john arrived LATE the night before, so we dumped our stuff, threw on our suits, and were at the beach as soon as we could get there!
 levi was afraid of the water the first day (??) but a crazy man in the sand...literally put his face in it. i'm like, "dude. what in the world?"

 ordered pizza for dinner and enjoyed reconnecting with everyone!
john is the funnest uncle!
my mom making an amazing peach cobbler. i didn't stick to paleo very well :/
john always does that in pictures. isn't the special? :-)

YUMMY breakfast!

the next morning we gave my dad his birthday gifts. we couldn't wait any longer (you'll see why!)

the anticipation! the grand finale was in hannah's car!

a basketball hoop for the house!
i was putting bailey's hair in a john did rebekah's...
not bad, huh??

my parents rented this golf cart for the week. the kids and a couple adults always rode it to the beach. and then a car would also come with all the chairs, etc.
back to the beach!!!

i warned you...

it makes me SO happy that all my kids love to BE on the beach all day. SO HAPPY.
my dad :-)

it rained that afternoon...but we survived :-)
this little pond was behind the house. the boys LOVED trying to catch fish in it. and there were turtles. and hannah and john brought their dog, maddie, and she had a blast by the water. we spend a lot of time out there!
the girls went shopping one night. so fun!

1 comment:

Holly said...

oh my gosh Courtney.
I can barely see to type this.


The look on his face, the look on your face, Hannah laughing....I literally cannot stop laughing.

I don't even have to be looking at the picture, I just have to think about it and I'm dying all over again!!!

(this DID look like a great week, but seriously, I just can't get past that picture!)