Friday, May 8, 2015

a dream day

yesterday i woke up and it was a thursday. just another thursday. but it ended up being a dream day. from start to finish.

i started my day with my Bible. like always. and He met me there in beautiful ways. so undeserved.
i felt confidence in some of my parenting decisions, which is not how i usually feel about my parenting, so i know it was from Him...He was assuring me that i was the mom He's chosen for these kids of mine. so undeserved.
i ran. like always. and my running partner pushed me and i ran fast and it felt so good. so undeserved.
i did a short weight workout at the gym and felt strong. which makes me happy. so undeserved.

i went to my church to meet with my counselor. i've been meeting with her for about 6 months and it's been really, really good. yesterday was my last time with her for awhile (because schedules aren't going to work through the summer) but i feel like i'm in a good place. she's taught me so much about myself. and i feel like i have questions to ask myself in situations that will help me process life in a better way. i'm so so thankful for the opportunity to be blessed by her wisdom. so undeserved.

while lincoln and levi rested/did schoolwork in their rooms, i ate my lunch on the back porch in the sun and read for a few minutes. i don't know what it is, but the feeling of the sun beating on my body just feels amazing to me. i love it. so undeserved.

i only wrote 3 things on my "to do" list for the day. i did 2 and started the other. and i did them as i was able. they weren't forced and no person was ignored so that i could do them. so undeserved.

once the kids got home from school, we were outside all afternoon. i played soccer in the yard with them. joshua and i sat on the front porch and had a real conversation. there were no arguments, everyone was happy, and the weather was amazing. so undeserved.

dinner was leftovers, so we all stayed outside for as long as possible. we ate dinner on the back porch and then, because we had NO sports or activities for once, we all went for a bike ride! i surprised them by riding to mcdonald's for ice cream cones. they are $1/each...but that night they were $.59/each! what a fun surprise!! so undeserved.
pat had a meeting late, so i got the kids to bed (after gladly putting bailey's hair in a dozen braids so it could be curly today like she wanted :-)) and, instead of being productive, i sat down with my bowl of berries (in my 20's it was a bowl of ice cream, now that i'm pushing 40, it's a bowl of berries :-)) and watched an episode of Fixer Upper (love that show! but it's not Pat's favorite...) and then went to bed early. so undeserved.

i don't know why yesterday ended up being such a dream. i didn't expect it to be so perfect. and, as each hour went by and it continued to be so dreamy, i just couldn't stop smiling. it wasn't rushed, it filled me up, and there was lots of REST involved.
i don't deserve anything on any day. nothing. but what a gift when days like that (even moments like those!) come!

our worship team is introducing this song on Sunday and it seemed fitting for this day. yesterday was filled with undeserved moments of grace. on those days AND on the days where things fall apart and are hard, His promises stand true...ALWAYS:

"It doesn't matter what I feel, 
It doesn't matter what I see, 
My hope will always be Your promises to me."

The Green Room Sessions: Your Promises from Reston Bible Church on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Jill said...

It makes me smile to think about your dreamy day. 😃 yeah!