Monday, July 21, 2014

lincoln is 7!!!

we had a birthday celebration for lincoln's birthday last week! waffles and presents. quite a way to start your day if you're a little boy, huh?? :-)
 this kid LOVES life and has added a TON of "life" to our family!!!
{lincoln and levi's birthdays are hard for me. i keep thinking they will get easier. and they don't. they are a black hole, because i don't know what those days looked like. and as their mom, that's just hard.}


Nana said...

I love Lincoln's birthday waffle!!!

Ali said...

Happy Birthday Lincoln!

Holly said...

That little boy evokes such emotion, even just in pictures!!!! WHAT is God doing!? Love watching him grown and I cannot wait to see what this is all about!!!

Holly said...
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