Sunday, December 1, 2013

thanksgiving 2013

great titles, i know.

thanksgiving was a GOOD day. in the simplest ways.

woke up and my alarm didn't go off. so i started my run an hour later that i wanted. i don't like starting the day like that. ANY day. but off i went.

came home to pat informing me that our heat wasn't working. right.

but then hannah and john came over and all of sudden heat wasn't as important as it had been a few minutes ago and the love of family warmed our complaining and cold hearts.

got everyone ready while calling service companies to find someone to look at our heat. and headed out west to my brother's house for the day. we drove 2 cars in case someone was able to come look at our heat and one of us had to come back home.

enjoyed SUCH a nice time at my brother and sister in law's house. every family has drama and ours is no different. this year, after a hard couple years, having us ALL together, was such a sweet, sweet thing.

ha! this cracks me up! serious business watching those chickens spin around...

christy (my brothers wife) is an INCREDIBLE cook and the meal was unbelievable!

lots of football watching.

one happy boy ;-)

a little walk after dinner...
our whole family! this picture is such a SWEET picture after the last couple years...
the grandkids!
my sweet sister!!
not in birth order. but me and my siblings (phill, me, hannah and steve)
and our spouses (except for pat! the heater man called and he had to go in the middle of the photo!)

i came into this day weary. and, if i'm honest, i woke up the next day weary. but being there, around those i love and that love me...just like i am, i wasn't weary. i was peaceful and thankful and held. i wasn't performing or fulfilling expectations, i just was. and it was so nice. family. what a gift.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Did he eat that whole plate of food???? WOW!