Thursday, October 24, 2013

it's already happening :: 31 days

THE main reason for this blog is so that my children have something to look back on one day and see what their mom was like as a person, wife, friend, daughter, and daughter of God.

i thought this would be something that they would start doing when they were 30 and started having children of their own. {and i still hope it blesses them then} but it's already started happening.

they are starting to see me as a PERSON. and not "just mom."

the other night when they encouraged me. they saw someone hurting {me} and wanted to encourage me. simple. yet amazing to their mom who has raised them day after day!

i didn't love the baby "stage." but once they could crawl...until they went off to school - that was my favorite. i LOVE that toddler/preschool stage.

i admit to not loving the elementary school stage. and being terrified of the pre-teen/teen stage.

but i am pleasantly surprised. as they near the end of elementary school and have started middle school, they are turning into thoughtful people that choose to see outside of themselves. EVEN ME! i kind of feel like your mom is the last person that you realize is a person, too. she is in a category all her own.

but it's already happening in my kids. i'm amazed. and encouraged. and blessed by it!

i'm their mom, i'll always be their mom. i've never been of the "i'm your friend" camp as a mom...i'm your mom FIRST and foremost. BUT...they are becoming my friends, too, and it's such a sweet, sweet thing.

i could not love MY mom more. and, goodness, do i appreciate her so much more now that i know what we put her through! but i don't feel like i appreciated her until way later in life - definitely later than 12 and 9 years old! i've always struggled with selfishness...just shows it in one more area :/

i'm just thankful. thankful for the job He has given me to do in my be a wife to a man that i love and to be a mom to 6 kids that are turning into my friends. wow.

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