Thursday, June 13, 2013


yesterday was a great day {i have fun pictures to prove it! just wait...}

i was tempted to think maybe we were in a groove.

thankfully, i didn't. it's a good thing i kept my expectations low {which was the goal this first week of summer} because today we discovered a flooded basement that is clearly days old because the SMELL is seeping upstairs {don't worry, Fogarty's. the cleaner is on his way and he has guaranteed me that the smell will be gone and it will be SAFE for you to sleep down there this weekend!} and levi decided to poop in his diaper during naptime and smear it all over himself?!? (he NEVER even pees during naptime - i just always put a diaper on him "just in case" because i hate changing bunkbed sheets more than anything else)

also. i forgot that i can't get ANYthing done when they are all home. i am so stressed out that i'm back to not being able to eat when they eat. i have to wait until they are in bed or resting.

i'm not going to vent about every detail of my summer all summer long. but those are just the "smelly" parts of today. there is more. and i think maybe i need to lower the expectations even more or else i'm going to have a nervous breakdown.


Ali said...

Just what you needed. UGH! Don't worry about us :) We are ALL so excited.

Tisha said...

Continuously lowering my expectations is my survival method too! :)Happy summer to you, Cassada family! After (almost 6!) years of reading along with you I have no doubt you will make it full of fun and memorable activity for yourself and your kiddos! Despite the smellier parts...;-)