Thursday, June 13, 2013

big breakfasts

over christmas break (yes, 6 months ago) pat and i spent a lot of time talking/researching 2 things for our family.

one was the new chore/allowance system that we started in january 2013.

the other was our diet. and how sugar is so bad for us. and how sugar isn't just gummy bears, but that even things that don't start out as sugar, turn to sugar in our bodies.

feeding a family of 8 is no easy (or cheap!) feat. and we just couldn't switch everything up all at once, so we decided to start with breakfast. for the above reasons, PLUS lincoln was appearing to be hungry at school (by his actions of stealing food from anyone and everyone) so we also needed to eliminate that possibility. (we didn't think he was hungry, but needed to make SURE).

prior to january 2013, our breakfast most mornings was cereal with milk. saturdays we would have pancakes or waffles with eggs. but the other 6 mornings, it was cereal. i had already moved from "sugary" cereals to healthy ones. but, let's be honest, they all have sugar.


we talked to the kids about it, and they wanted to set up a weekly schedule so they knew what to expect.

this is what we have for breakfast on a weekly basis:

monday - whole wheat english muffin with natural peanut butter (the only other small change we made - we ONLY eat natural peanut butter)
tuesday - greek yogurt with peanut butter, honey and cinnamon mixed in served with apple slices to dip it in
wednesday - eggs and fruit
thursday - granola with strawberries (used to be steel cut oats - until it got warmer)
friday - whole wheat english muffin with natural peanut butter

it's been a GREAT change for our family. and gave me peace of mind that everyone's bellies were nice and full heading off for their days.

in the last month, i've renewed my research and things are changing yet again. more on that soon!!!


Liza said...

Cool, Courtney. I did no research and have no special wisdom, but, by experience, I am definitely my most balanced (weight, hunger, lifestyle) when I eat a big breakfast like this. Seems like a lot in the morning, but it makes a HUGE difference in my day. Glad it's working for your crew, too :)

Courtney said...

This is awesome!! I know it's not an easy or cheap feat to make significant diet changes, but it will be SO worth it! Way to go!