Monday, June 3, 2013

paying for clothes

this picture has nothing to do with paying for clothes, but it IS the highlight of our grocery shopping trip for these 2, so here you go :-)
in january, when we started our new chore system, part of the deal was that the kids had to pay for HALF of any clothes item they wanted OR needed. they are getting generous amounts (we think!) of money each week, and the money that can be spent (NOT the money saved OR given to church) needs to be for needs (clothes) and wants (gum at the gas station :-))

when i was grocery shopping at walmart this past friday, i got each of the kids (except levi) a clothes item or 2. some they needed (the girls needed dresses) and some i just knew would be good for them to have. i gave them to them and told them they could keep whatever they wanted (or what fit!) and pay me for half, or i could return whatever they didn't want. they ALL wanted each item - pretty successful for me! lincoln and sawyer are not FULLY included in this, they get a smaller allowance and don't half to usually pay for half their clothes. but, in this case, i did tell them they had to pay $1 if they wanted the combo i got them (they both got the same thing - it was a bathing suit/shirt/flip flop combo that they didn't really NEED...but they are both wearing the same size now and we can use a couple more suits!) i think this is such a good lesson for them...AND it makes them aware of the COST of clothes so much more!
handing over his money... :-)

1 comment:

scooping it up said...

love it! we need to build to a system where the kids are contributing and earning and saving. sometimes it feels like just one more thing, but I know it will be good for them!