Monday, June 3, 2013


most every saturday starts out with a long run for me. 10-12 miles. i went out this past saturday morning to the first mile i felt like my legs were dead weight. no better in mile 2. it was ALL i could do to get to mile 3. i stopped and WALKED an hour (4 miles) and then ran 1 last mile home. i've had some fast runs this past year that i'm proud of. but i think listening to my body this past saturday and choosing to walk is quite possibly the "long run" i'm the most proud of! i'm not sure why i couldn't do it, but i hope it doesn't happen again! that wasn't fun...and definitely took some SERIOUS mental arguing with myself that it WAS ok! crazy, i know.

ANYways. got home and cleaned up and we headed out to the farm. it was MUCH better picking that day!
we got plenty! and made lots of yummy jam from them!
after some yard work, the girls piano teacher had her 6 students (and their families!) over to play 2 songs each in her living room. they were both so nervous about it, it was cute!

they BOTH did great!!!
they have only been taking lessons since april. their teacher told them to try to play by memory if they could. i LOVED that when bailey finished her first song, she so CONFIDENTLY closed her book and played her second song by memory :-)
and rebekah. such beauty here...

her teacher says she has a GREAT ear for counting the beats.
it was a very special time. SADLY, her teacher is moving (!!!) and we need to find a new one. we just loved her for the few months we had her.

we ran a couple errands, came home and made dinner and had a nice night home together...eating dinner in the porch and finishing it off with strawberry shortcake! it was a pretty great saturday!

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

What a GREAT Saturday ~ and the weather was awesome too! I can imagine the stretch it was for you to NOT be able to run Courtney...and so appreciate the "win" you had with yourself to walk. I LOVE the piano recital ~ and the success the girls have had with their lessons. Picking strawberries, jam, sitting on the porch. Simple pleasures!