Monday, March 4, 2013

fondue night

four years ago, we did a "staycation" for spring break. sawyer was not even a year old. and it was a week where the kids were taking turns being sick. the gross kind. but we somehow managed to go to the melting pot one night - as a HUGE special treat. the 6 of us. and joshua will NEVER forget it. ANYtime i say, "hey! guess what we're doing today?!?" his first guess is ALWAYS, "the melting pot??!!" um. no. try going to chick fil a :-) he really doesn't get excited about food much, so it makes it even cuter.

we have done fondue at home a few times since - once we did cheese and chocolate. and maybe 2 other times just did the chocolate. but we've never done the broth with meat/veggies.

until last night!!
i pulled little things around our house to make the table special..
i got the recipes for both the broth and the chocolate from pinterest.

it was a great meal together! i SO enjoyed just sitting there and watching my kids just ENJOY every bit of their meal. their smiles. their conversation.

and HE was in HEAVEN!

we followed it up with dessert, of course!


Mandy said...

what a fun mom you are :)

Katy said...

How awesome is that!!! I wish i had a real fondue pot! Our kids have never been and it would be so fun!!! I remember that post so clearly - i remember you saying you let sawyer just dig thru your purse to keep him occupied right? Hilarious :)

Heather said...

YUMMY!! :-)

Laura said...

That looks really fun. I have stayed away from fondue because of the possible mess. I know, party pooper. Maybe some day I will get brave!