Tuesday, February 12, 2013

eye to eye

you know how it feels when you schedule meeting someone for lunch..or dinner...or coffee. and you put it on your calendar. and look forward to it. and then the day comes and you drive to meet them. and you sit down together. and order and receive whatever food or drink you are going to consume and the waiter walks away and you FINALLY look at each other....EYE TO EYE. and there it is...

the gift of friendship. of being the focus of each other's lives for the next 30, 60, (300! right, jenn? :-)) minutes. all distractions left at home (or in your purse) and you are there to share, to listen, to hear, to BE.

that is how i feel about Lent.

i'm not catholic and didn't grow up learning or experiencing Lent. it's only been in the last couple years that i've sought out what it is exactly. and only last year did i "observe" it for the first time.

when i think back on last year, it is with SUCH sweetness. it was not easy (but i think that's kind of the point?) but i was EYE TO EYE with Him in a way that i've never been before...and haven't been since.

so, not out of obligation, but out of a deep desire to meet Him eye to eye again, Lent starts in my heart (and habits!) again tomorrow. i have been looking forward to it for weeks. and am EXCITED for it to start tomorrow!!!

i pulled out the same books. and i have a few new ones (don't worry - i'll share!)

i don't know that i'll post a quote every day like last year (that wasn't planned, but ended up being a huge blessing...to focus my thoughts each day.) but i will be sharing what i learn - because that's how i process!

do you observe Lent? are you excited?


Liza said...

I do! and I'm excited!

Excited to follow your Lent journey here, too. It was such a blessing last year. Thanks for sharing with us again!

Sarah Smith said...

I have in the past but didn't last year and I enjoyed following you through the process. I was just wondering today what you would choose to read this year!

Leighann said...

you inspired me to learn more this year. i'm hoping to check out last year's book list. :) and maybe the new ones you introduce.

Vanessa Johnson said...

we observe it. at last night's mass, we picked up rice bowls from catholic relief services which had recipes for meatless meals from other countries. on fridays in lent, we make a simple dinner, put the money we wouldve spent on meat or luxuries (butter, sugar) in the bowl and they are collected again right before easter. looking forward to doing similiar with a rwandan drum next year. also adults may 'fast' on fridays (eat only one full meal). idea is to focus on how we depend on God for everything.