Sunday, February 10, 2013

celebrating joshua's birthday

we enjoyed celebrating joshua's birthday as a family on friday evening.
pizza on a blanket while we watched a movie.

opened his gifts...a lego set and a pair of socks (yes. my 9 year old asked for SPECIFIC socks. crazy, huh??)
the cake :-) i meant to take pictures of it in the daytime...

and aren't the lego candles fun??
happy birthday, joshua! oh how we love to celebrate who you are!

{i prayed all week in anticipation of this night...knowing it would be hard for lincoln. it ended up being one of the hardest experiences with him and it's pretty painful for me to look at these pictures with the RAGE that was going on in the background. but pat and i walked through it the best we could. i was tempted to feel like God "didn't answer" my prayers. well, He didn't answer the way i wanted. but, after 2 days of tears and despair, i can see that He DID answer in real ways. He gave me His spirit of LOVE in one of the most painful moments of my life and He gave us clarity for the future in these moments - ha!hours - of "rage". i just hope that joshua doesn't remember it as being the background to his birthday party.}


Rutledge 7 said...

frustrating when those "celebrations" are hard for one which makes it hard for everyone, especially mama.

Megan said...


Somehow God thinks we are qualified for this.

scooping it up said...

We were having this awesome family scripture lesson the other night, and one of the kids was screaming. And I had to leave with him so Hubs could keep going. Sometimes we have to divide, and one of us misses the special moments, in order to preserve the special moment. We don't do birthday presents that are toys anymore, because it just doesn't work here. :( I totally understand.