Tuesday, January 1, 2013

welcome 2013

we spent the last 2 days with {6} dear friends {and their 9 children!} our home {and the young's home - they hosted us for new years} was filled with laughter and deep friendship and lots of playing and talking and noise (and not much sleep!)

tomorrow we all head back to school and work. it's been a great break. i've enjoyed the "computer stuff" being quieter (anyone else notice how email/blogs/facebook are quieter these past 2 weeks?) and LIFE being fuller and busier (family and friends in our home so often!)

pat and i just spent a while going through our goals for the year ahead. we aren't really "resolution" people...but it's always good to talk through goals!

my heart and mind feel full of things to share. and, of course, there are some fun pictures you *must* see.

but, for now, i'm going to take my above quote to heart and head to bed and read for awhile before tomorrow morning comes earlier than we'd all like.

grace. not perfection. YES.

do you make goals or resolutions?

1 comment:

Megan said...

You know I LOVE seeing this as your goal for the year!