Monday, January 14, 2013

surgery today...

rebekah is having her tonsils and adenoids out this morning. ever since she had mono a year ago, she has had some sort of throat infection every 6 weeks-2 months. it's been pretty miserable. so, we are certain this is what needs to happen. but we know it's going to be a rough few days!

pat and i are both able to be there this morning. pat's mom is staying with sawyer and levi so that we can be with rebekah.

she requested nacho's for her "last real meal" last night :-) {pat and i had greek nacho's - SO yum!}

she's been pretty nervous...but by last night, she was just "ready to have it done" - i think that's a good place to be!

praying that it all goes well and her recovery isn't too awful (and for myself to balance it all well!)


Holly said...

ACK! No matter how minor the surgery, still an ordeal and a SURGERY.
Praying for you all!!!!

Hang in there Bek. It will be worth it! I'll tell the girls and we'll all be praying for you!

Alden and Dorian said...

The day had come!!!!!! We are praying and will look forward to GREAT days ahead for Rebekah.

Alden and Dorian said...

The day had come!!!!!! We are praying and will look forward to GREAT days ahead for Rebekah.

Alden and Dorian said...

The day had come!!!!!! We are praying and will look forward to GREAT days ahead for Rebekah.

Unknown said...

I will praying for you, sweet girl. It will be a blessing not to be sick all the time!

Beckysblog said...

She'll do great!!!
Stay on the pain meds and push the fluids!

Heather said...

praying for rebekah!

Deb said...

At 5 pm now on the day of surgery, I am thankful that surgery is done, hopefully anesthesia is just about gone, and Rebekah is on the road to a smooth recovery. Wishing you the very best and hoping the cooling and soothing popsicles or sherbert or whatever feels good is going to really help you feel better. Bless you, Rebekah, AND thinking of you, Courtney! Love, Deb (Kate's Mom)

Deb said...

At 5 pm now on the day of surgery, I am thankful that surgery is done, hopefully anesthesia is just about gone, and Rebekah is on the road to a smooth recovery. Wishing you the very best and hoping the cooling and soothing popsicles or sherbert or whatever feels good is going to really help you feel better. Bless you, Rebekah, AND thinking of you, Courtney! Love, Deb (Kate's Mom)