Thursday, August 9, 2012

why do we ever leave our neighborhood?

i know. she's too much.
walked to a playground yesterday afternoon. spur of the moment. had about 53 other things i "should" be doing.
but we went. just for fun.

rebekah put levi in the wagon and tied a jump rope from her scooter to the wagon and pulled him there and back. and i kept my mouth shut. i didn't say, "that might get old" "what if he flies out" etc. and you know what? it was fine!
 even going down the hill at mock 80!

 love love love this. she put on a dress that is 2 sizes too small. and grandma bought her these shoes last weekend and she hasn't taken them off since. i never want to forget this time of her life. who she is. her long legs that never stop moving. she floats across life...hardly makes noise when she walks. yes, someone said it yesterday...she has her JOY back!!!! and my heart is so so happy. {and i might have asked pat last night what he thought about me homeschooling JUST her. NOT because of our school or teachers...we LOVE our school and teachers! but something about last school year went very wrong with her and it took me 2 months to help her find her joy again...}

 i made myself not edit these next 2. i turned the camera on myself. this is the face my kids see all day long. slightly furrowed brow. what makeup i did have on at one point is gone...melted away. wrinkles. hair back. focused. usually the gashes on the end of my nose aren't there. levi and i were playing and, well, he needs his nails trimmed!
 and sometimes my eyebrow might need to go up.

 it started raining when we were on our way home! even though it was totally sunny!
 spent 2 hours at the dentist this morning. NO cavities! {our dentist is 4 houses down. it's the BEST!}

THEN. after we got home, i was going between making {72!} scones and folding laundry. joshua was outside mowing the grass. he comes in all excited, "guys! you have to come out and see this!" i'll admit. if it had been ANY other child, i wouldn't have moved. but, i stopped folding the shirt i was folding and went. right away!

this is what we found. and we ALL ran to it! the water company was testing the fire hydrant and it was POURING out water!

 cartwheels across the middle of the road. sure!

 it made for a whole OTHER load of laundry. but it was worth it! :-)


Juanita said...

When I read the words "she has her JOY back", my eart lept for joy and my eyes fill with tears both at the same time. I am so happy for her and your family. Praise God!

Juanita said...

I serisouly need to consider reading my posts before I post them... my Heart lept for joy (not my eart)!

Anonymous said...

If you do look into homeschooling her.... look into My Fathers world or Heart of Dakota. Both are so very very good and make school fun yet very educational,& time w mom! Some kids thrive on some time w mom in the day over a lot of work books - they like the living history books and such.

Teamjudkins said...

love everything about this post. will be praying as you seek out what to do this fall. what an unexpected gift to have the fun of the hydrant! we had fun this week watching the trucks repave our road :)

Amy said...

You look gorgeous. :)

Megan said...


Tisha said...

Love this post - the pictures, the words, all of it.

beckley said...

It's first grade. I'm so sad Belle has to start first grade. I hold serious disdain for first grade.

I'm so glad- I thought she might =)

Leighann said...

Thanks for the reminder to fit some fun into these last few days home.