Monday, August 13, 2012

barn reunion 2012

 an you even know how happy that picture makes me?!?
THOSE girls in MY kitchen?!? ahhh....

friday afternoon, they started arriving one at a time (or 2 at a time. or 3)

they were excited to see/meet lincoln and levi (and the other kids!) and then pat got home and whisked them away to his parents house for the weekend. yay!!!

i lived with these girls in college. christy was missing this year (boo!)

we basically spent 48 hours sitting and talking. and eating. and drinking. we all go around and give "an update" that normally involves laughter and tears. we moved from the front porch. to the family room. to the back porch. to the backyard. once we went out to dinner. but other than that, just sitting and talking :-)

becca heard that if you have a match between your teeth (unlit!) and wear sunglasses that you won't cry when you cut an onion. it worked!

we stayed very unplugged (some more that others...) no tv, etc. but we did have to keep in touch with our families a little bit! this was in the kitchen and i had to snap a shot!
 light lunch while we laid/sat in the backyard in our bathing suits :-)
 out to dinner!!
 we had a "quote board" at our house in college. so many great quotes. we had to have one this weekend...
such an amazing gift to know these friends for so many years. some i talk to on a very regular basis. some i only talk to on our reunions. but the love between us is priceless (VERY over-used word - but MEANT deeply here.)

we are already planning the next one!!!!


Alden and Dorian said...

LOVE your time together! Looked just perfect. Sweet friendships.

Michelle said...

Loved our time together and missing you girls already!!

Leighann said...

I love that you guys do this... glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Love this!!!!!!!! Love u girls soooooooo much!!!
Christy!!! :)