Wednesday, August 8, 2012

morning in dc

some of what was packed to prepare for our morning out today.
bag of lunch.
bag of towels.
bag of extra snacks and water in case we came across people that needed it.
camera, directions, movie for car ride home.

and this doesn't include my purse. and everyone else's water bottles that were already in the car!
we headed into to dc.
but, they are re-doing it and it's SO great!!

The Yards.
we discovered it the last Nationals game we went to.
and it went on our summer list.
and today we DID it!

there's this top fountain part.
and then a bottom pool part with this waterfall.

there were more people there than i was expecting. but it made it feel fun!
the pool is only about a foot deep all over.
all my kids had a blast. but some older kids might not think it was that fun.

they raced.
and i timed them.

LOVE them!!!!!!!
both girls found friends.
a few kids stuck to us like glue.

a friend, liza, that works really close by stopped over and said hi - made my day!!!!
we walked up to an area with tables and ate our lunch.

from this bridge looking over the pool area
and then we headed least they thought we headed home :-)

we stopped at georgetown cupcake for a little treat! i've NEVER had one. and neither have they! i was WORRIED about a parking spot, but do you SEE how close i found one?!? yay!!

{we split 3 cupcake between the 7 of us. that was enough sugar AND money!}
it was so fun to surprise them and just have FUN!!!


Laura said...

That looks so fun!! Don't you love it when you can just have fun with them!!

Liza said...

Fun day! I love that park for lunch breaks myself, so it was a special treat to see you and your family there today! Glad you all enjoyed it.

Megan said...

Looks awesome! Love that group of kids of yours!