Sunday, July 29, 2012

sawyer is 4!

july 22, 2012
 after a little worship together (my dad read scripture, john played the guitar) we headed out to the beach!
my aunt, uncle and cousin were in town and came to the beach for a couple hours with us! they hadn't met lincoln and levi yet.

 that was really special for me, for them to meet!
 my dad and his brother, ken.
 ken and lynne with my parents.

 this was also sawyer's 4th birthday!!!!

we sang happy birthday to him all day long :-) this was after lunch... with just our family.
 "i'm 4!"
 and that evening, we sang happy birthday to him again. with EVERYone!

 my parents made this week SO special and amazing.
one thing they did was rent a golfcart for the week!
the town we stayed in is pretty small, and you can ride the golfcart to the grocery store, or hardware store, or ice cream store.

so, this first night, we took it to a small street and all rode it in shifts back and forth, back and forth.

levi and andrea got to ride with my dad.
andrea just had knee surgery. and levi is little :-)

everyone else had to walk and get all their energy out!

 lincoln and i raced the golf cart :-)
 i look old. and tired. but oh so happy.

 i don't know what the heck i'm doing or saying. but i DO know that i LOVED driving that thing!
(golf carts have TONS of memories for us. growing up, my grandpa had one and us kids spent HOURS driving it in his yard while my parents and grandparents did whatever it is parents and grandparents do :-))

 that's our hotel in the backgroun of this picture. the tall one.
 hannah captured this shot. he is too much!

 sunset on our first full day...


Beckysblog said...

Happy birthday Sawyer!!!

Katy said...

Love that his bday with EVERYONE!!!! Such fun memories being.made for these kids!!! Will be curious to see how you feel this years beach trio was compared to last years!!! What a difference a year makes! And for the record, I don't think you look old OR tired. Completely beautiful is wjat I would say!!