Monday, July 30, 2012

out to breakfast day

july 23, 2012

we hardly go anywhere during the week. it's so great!
we walk to the beach. walk back to our room to eat or sleep.
and then go back to the beach.

 but one morning we all went out to breakfast. at "the shack". it was a very special morning!

because we got a late start getting to the beach, i packed a quick, small-ish lunch and we ate out there! so fun! unfortunately, pat took rebekah to urgent care. she'd had a headache for 2 days, fever and sore throat. we think she had strep. they gave her an antibiotic and she was a LOT better the next day. AND no one else got it!

{my dad brought the tent. it was SO great to have!}
my parents are the BEST. totally engaged and playing with the kids so much. {we try to make sure they get breaks, too!}
this little guy LOVED the waves!

this is one of my mom's pictures. taken from her balcony of our tent area.
during naptime. :-)
john. we love him.
that night was phill and christy's turn to make dinner. bbq sandwiches - yum! and we played a fun game together!

every day felt SO long in such a GREAT way!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

So fun! We are here too and The Shack is Jason's favorite place to grab breakfast in the morning and bring it home. Have fun!