Monday, July 16, 2012

last swim meet 2012!!

saturday was our last swim meet. yes, i said "our" even though we weren't all swimming. 5 hours at the pool. all 8 of us. it was a family affair. and everyone did so well! we LOVE swim team!!!

i tried to capture some of the moments that make up the swim meets...

the kids all line up to get in order for their races and they just look so cute together.
 joshua is always smiling. i love him.
 back stroke is HIS stroke. he got first place overall in this meet! a big deal!

 rebekah loves butterfly. and we LOVE watching her swim it!
 bailey just swims freestyle and backstroke. which are the first 2 strokes. so, for the last 2 or so hours, she waits with the rest of us.
 rebekah did IM's this season (all 4 strokes together) and she did GREAT!

did i say we love swim team? we do. it's a big commitment. practice everyday.

but they get SO much stronger. it's SUCH good exercise. and it's in our neighborhood. they are TOGETHER. where else can a kid be on a team with kids ages 4-18, boys AND girls, all together? cheering for each other? it's AWESOME!


Ali said...

They each sound incredible. yea Cassadas! And their cheering squad, so cute!

Leighann said...

I love your swim team too!! We are swimming vicariously through you. Hoping our girls will be strong enough to swim next year (Ainsley is just now learning to doggy paddle!).

Laura said...

LOVE Levi's shirt!

Courtney said...

love it! love that photo of Rebekah doing the butterfly. What a STRONG girl!