Monday, July 30, 2012

dad's birthday!

july 25, 2012

how fun it was to be at the beach for my dad's birthday with him and celebrate him!!

at the end of my run that morning, i wrote "happy bday dad!" in the sand where our tent usually was, so he would see it.

my dad, brittany and hannah ran with the "5k training group" that morning. my mom was SO kind to watch the 3 little boys so that pat and i could both go out! {we're that group in the bottom right}
 i LOVE this picture!!!!! as we got down to the beach that morning, i told them, "NO one run into the water until i take a picture!"
 and then, "GO!" :-)

 she wanted her hair like rebekah's. this is after an evening and a night sleeping on it.

 what an amazing papa!

 this picture took my breath away the first time i looked at it.
 brittany got a skimboard and taught herself how to do it! she's amazing!!!!
 most days we went to the pool in the afternoon at some point. bailey decided she wanted to read...

 i clearly can't open my eyes outside. i have THE most sensitive eyes!
 we gave my dad some choices for what he wanted to do for his birthday dinner. this was what he picked. five guys brought back to the pool.
 then we walked out to the beach for some whiffle ball!

happy birthday, dad! we loved celebrating YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

So fun! I am loving all these posts. I know its not your favorite to go back in time ;)