Monday, July 30, 2012

THE picture day

july 26, 2012

joshua is ROCKING our 5k training. we can tell we are holding him back. the girls are S-L-O-W.

hannah, john and my dad asked joshua to run to the pier and back with them one morning. 3.5 miles! he totally did it and was barely sweating! 
he's basically the awesomest kid ever.

actually ALL our kids are awesome!
all 6 of them slept in the SAME room all week. totally fine. they would stay in there, quiet, until we came in to get them. whether it was 7 am, 7:30 am, 8 am! they did so GREAT!
how much did i love being next to her all week? so so much!
heading out for picture night! {we LOVED getting to know john this week - did i say that already?!? he is so great!}

before picture night, we ate dinner at a yummy restaurant. we ate outside and there was a band playing in the town. a fair happening (see the ferris wheel?) and right behind that ferris wheel is the beach. it felt like we were in a movie.

{i'm only showing the amazing stuff. we did have some moments. i mean, there were 18 of us! but i'm choosing to show all the wonderful stuff - because there was a LOT of it!}

and then we walked over to the beach to take pictures. it looks like maybe a hurricane was coming, the way it's so windy. it wasn't a hurricane. but it WAS windy!

LOTS of pictures...sorry! but they are all so good and fun!

i think my family loves pat and john...they are definitely a fun addition to our family!
oh, john...

3 pretty amazing girls!
lincoln and his "auntie hannah"

funny boy...

i think i love the moments when they don't know their picture is being taken more

and that's a wrap!!


scooping it up said...

you guys are adorable, i don't know how your kids did vacay so well, my little ones don't always do well with being in new places with new people. fun pics!

Jennifer said...

LOVE, LOVE all the pics what a great time you all had at the beach!

also love that John is joining in on all the craziness and adding to it so well....

i remember once Wayne and I playing this couples game with my brother and his wife and another couple. you had to sort these photo cards based on a random subject and got points on how well you matched your spouse... well my brother and I matched up every time and so did our spouses! the two UNrelated inlaws!

Courtney said...

love everything about this!
btw- where did you get the boys' adorable t-shirts?! I love a plain, striped shirt for Berk!