Monday, July 30, 2012

big night out!

july 24, 2012
 had fun playing with rebekah's hair one morning :-) just an upside down french braid.
 took these pics of our 6 kids right as we got on the beach. they are each doing their own thing. i LOVE these!!

 pat and my dad with a few minutes to chat
 i don't remember what we were doing this time. maybe digging to china?

 chatting with my dad...

 this was our big night out! went to dinner at zaxby's - our FAVORITE! and the to broadway at the beach. we've been going to broadway at the beach for years. i've always loved it. i didn't this year. it was super crowded and just made me want to scream - all the stores and stuff and yuck. i just wanted to run away. so, we didn't stay too i getting old?!?

 there's a little playground there. it was a fun part!

 i love him so so much. he's the best. amazing.

 we DID stop at my fav store there - "it's sugar" :-) and i didn't feel great the rest of the week as i ate my way through my candy...


Alden and Dorian said...

And digging your way to China brought the life guard, remember!!!
Fill in the hole when you are done! Haha. AND the tide it for us. Too fun!

Ali said...

If only you could have brought home sugarplum with you ;)