Monday, April 30, 2012

he's mine

"they" say that it takes as long as an adoptive child wasn't with you, for them to be with you, for them to be TRULY yours. fully bonded. attached. all those big words that we hope and pray to happen.

i didn't like hearing it. it just seemed too long...for both of our boys.

yet, as they came home and we began this process, i saw the truth in it.
they have been OURS from the minute we laid eyes on them. if you messed with one of them, you better believe you would see "mama bear" come out! but, deep down, in our hearts, in the places we can't control?? it was a process...and it takes time.
just in the last couple weeks i have realized that this little guy is mine.  fully. nothing forced. i'm all in without thinking about it. when i pick him up, it is my natural reaction to kiss him. on the outside it looks the same, i've always kissed him when i picked him up, but, before it was intentional. my actions were showing where i desired my heart to be. now my heart is there. and it feels SO amazing!!!!

we GET each other. he knows my looks. and i know his. i know when he's ready to get down and go. and when he needs to stay in my arms. i know when he's not comfortable with someone just by his face. his eyes sparkle for me. 

{and this is about the "right" time. he was almost a year old. we've been home almost a year...}
there is much rejoicing in this!!!

but also sadness. because this could mean that we have 3 years to go with lincoln....i'm not dwelling on that, though! God is so big and so real in all of this. and it's His story. no matter what, we walk onward.


scooping it up said...

so lovely. good food for thought with the children coming our way. 6 and 11. i hope our older daughter feels connected to us, loved by us, "ours" before she is 22, but who knows, maybe that framework really will still hold true for older kids. what a miracle it will be to be her rock as she moves into adulthood. man, you've got me thinking today...

Megan said...

YES. I totally get it and understand. What a glorious glorious feeling.


Katy said...

How awesome and precious. This is!!! Savor the hope that gives you as you continue walking in obedience in the journey with Lincoln. How sweet it will be!!

Hannah said...

AH. that last picture of Levi has me beside myself. that face..and facial expression..and that outfit. sheesh.