Monday, November 28, 2011

getting the tree

you know how when you have kids (if you've had kids), you look at christmas in a whole new light? "through their eyes"??

well, when you have a 4 year old that has only been in your family, and in America for 4 months, you REALLY see christmas through their eyes! wow!

so, we went out into a field the day after thanksgiving, wandered through rows of trees, and then pat cut one down. we had to drag it back to our car, then put it in our HOUSE! pat spent a LONG time putting lights all over it, then we hung all these ornaments on it. it all seems kind of crazy when you think about it from lincoln's perspective :-) but, mostly, i think that he GOT that it was something FUN. we were all excited about it and it was a GOOD thing. he likes fun and excitement, so he was all about it! :-)

hanging his first ornament on the tree...
our ornament for this year...
it was a fun night! the last couple years, i've decided not to care about the ornaments - where they are hung, or if some break. i just let them go to town hanging them wherever and it brings me SUCH joy to look at my tree for the month, knowing they decorated it just that way.


Unknown said...

Oh that ornament got me. I am having feelings about adoption that I don't think I can work through as a response to your blog. Feelings I am afraid to address because I know there will be unresolved issues if I "go there".

Kim Mattes said...

i love it! sometimes i wish that we went to a tree farm to cut ours. we always say that we are going to. and then it is always SOOO cold in iowa. so we just end up at HD (home depot) picking one out QUICKLY because we are all so cold. but we put ours up yesterday. we got the tallest tree that we have ever had. it is huge. and we all had so much fun. i said that i thought that this was the best year decorating it - no arguing or fighting and it didn't end in tears for anyone! :) i have set my expectations much lower now too. so maybe that is why it was so good!

Ali said...

I was wondering what Lincoln would think about the Christmas decorating

p.s. that last comment was from me not EJ. oops