Monday, September 12, 2011

we escaped

one afternoon last week, sawyer and i escaped. i think it was thursday.

we have a pretty strict "no screen" rule during the week (no tv, computer, wii). well, during the afternoons.
i let the little boys watch a show in the mornings when i take a shower. they never actually STAY there and watch it. they ALWAYS end up in the bathroom with me...i'm always hopeful they might get hooked and actually stay and watch. oh,well...

it rained ALL week last week. like. ALL.WEEK. so, by thursday afternoon, the "no screen" rule went out the window. they watched a movie. even lincoln!

sawyer came over to me in the kitchen and asked in that sweet voice of his, "mom. play cars with me?"

of COURSE sweet boy!

i was so tired. so i eventually laid on the couch and he lined the cars up next to my body. he didn't seem to mind that i wasn't "playing"...he just loved me being there.

and every day since then, he asks, "mom. come lay on the couch and play with my cars?" i can't say "yes" every time. but i love that he asks. :-)


Beckysblog said...

totally precious. love that last picture.

Katy said...

How sweet is that. I think you should say yes to that everytime. It involves you laying on the couch! Sounds good to me!

Unknown said...

Love it.