Monday, September 12, 2011


we spend so much time talking about the older one.

levi is doing GREAT and has made some HUGE progress the last couple weeks!!!

wanna hear??
when i used to hold him, he would kind of arch his back back. not lean into me. it bothered me.

about a week ago, he has started leaning into me. and letting me cuddle him. it's big. really big!

AND...when we put him to bed, he used to SCREAM his HEAD off. only for like 10 seconds. then he would lay down and go to sleep, but that SCREAM was not fun. for any of us.

a few days ago, he started just laying down when we put him to bed. not standing back up. and not screaming! yay!!!
he has also been MUCH happier at the church and gym nurseries - good for everyone!

he has started babbling. up until now, he would say, "hi!" pretty clearly. and other than that he was either silent or screaming {LOUDLY}.

just this weekend he started babbling. a lot. it's really cute!!! all those fun noises coming out of his mouth!

he is also becoming QUITE the climber.
 ali - maybe he and ryan gave each other some tips at the beach?? :-)
i love this little guy. he is so fun and we are so blessed to have him in our family!!!


Michelle said...

I'm so glad that he's doing so well, and you're having more good times with him!

Katy said...

He is looking so much older to me!!! Maybe his hair?? And that smile when he was on top of your table - oh my. That is not the same boy you brought home a few short months ago!!! He is precious!

Ali said...

yes they must have. ryan would be right up there with him. that smile is too much. he does look older, already. oh my goodness.

Judy said...

i LOVE that last picture of his smile! What a sweetie!!! I could just eat him up :)

Kim Mattes said...

his eyes are gorgeous. and he looks soooo content!! :) hope that your week is off to a good start!

Leighann said...

love this post! so glad he's coming along. and that you got play cars with sawyer. what a sweet time.

Mommylove said...

Love that last picture of him, that sweet/mischievous smile- reminds me of Everett the climber. I took a similar picture last week:)
I also LOVE that you are loving and enjoying him in the midst of everything else going on!

Amy said...

He. is. adorable.