Monday, August 15, 2011

it paid off

last week was SO much better than the week before.

it really paid off - being home more

the boys:
the girls:
picnic lunch in the front yard!
the weather turned a LOT nicer and we were able to be outside and ENJOY it!

can you see me? i even read in the front yard (for like 10 minutes...and i was interrupted like every 2 wipe someone, or push someone, or get a band aid for someone) but it was still SO fun!
oh, and this one liked to sit ON my book. i guess that was his signal that he wanted my attention :-)
double trouble. they LOVE their bikes!!
yes, i made the tents. a few weeks ago. they LOVE them. the older 2 sleep in theirs almost every night. bailey loves her bed too much (that's my girl!)
friday we ventured out to a fun event...

hopefully the only time they are in the back of a police car...


Michelle said...

Clearly you need to tell us how you made those fun!

Katy said...

Those tents are the cutest! How come you never told us about those???

Peyton said...

yes, please tell me how you made the tents. I would give anything to not have to make a fort 9 times a day!

Holly said...

like you have time but yes, when you get a chance, can you share the idea???

Megan said...

I SO miss totally trucks...that was always a fun event for my boys. And the tents are awesome...I have no idea where in the last couple of crazy week you had that you found time to make them!

Leighann said...

I've been wanting to make these tents for awhile now. Waiting for my basement to be unpacked and toys put away. :) Did you see the fort that you drape over a table made out of a sheet? Love that one too.