Sunday, June 5, 2011


she deserves a post all herself, don't you think??

she's the baby of our family. i remember dressing her up like she was my doll. i am 9 years older than her.
i remember going for a walk as a family of 5 and coming up with names for our next sibling (my parents never knew the gender).

i remember the day she was born.
i remember asking her to be my maid of honor in my wedding. i was 21. she was 12. i knew she didn't KNOW what it meant to stand beside someone as a maid of honor at that age. but i trusted that one day i would be SO thankful that it had been her standing there. and today, i am.

she is amazing.

i could say so many amazing things about her. but it can actually be said pretty simply.

she loves God. and loves others. 

it's how Jesus tells us to love Him in the Bible. and she does it well.
in a week she will get on a plane to go with our family to africa for 3 weeks.
when she gets back, she will sleep a bit and re-pack and head off on an adventure for 6 months (that she postponed a little for OUR trip)

she will be missed GREATLY...but it's because she does such a great job LOVING.

i love you, hannah!!!


Anonymous said...

What a testimony to both your parents, both of you living for Christ

jenn said...

love this post! love that girl! love YOU!

Megan said...

It must be awesome for Hannah to have an older sister she could look up to. Someone to help show her what it looks like to Love God...Love Others. I am thankful she had you. I am thankful I have you. ;-) LOVE

Hannah said...

wow. that was touching to hear you say those things, Courtney. pretty much the best thing anyone can say to you...and especially coming from you! thanks for the encouragement. and i've definitely been touched over the years looking back on you choosing me to be your maid of honor, even though i didn't quite understand it's significance then:) love you!

Megan- you are so so right. i don't know how many times in my life, but especially in the last month or so having to explain over and over again my plans for the next couple of months, i have given thanks for courtney and who she is. as i explain why i'm going to rwanda and people keep asking questions to gather the whole picture and you can tell they're faces are starting to turn thinking my sister is CRAZY, all i can say is...'one, they're being obedient to God and couldn't be in any better place than in the middle of His will, and two, if anyone can do's her and her family. she is an incredible person and mother...she's pretty much my hero!'

I've always attributed who i am to those 3 incredible people in my life- my mom, my dad, and courtney. and constantly give thanks for that! because i know not EVERYONE has that.