Friday, February 25, 2011

not sure i can make it

being a mom is hard.
i'm tired.
no, exhausted.

making chicken fajita's for dinner.
with homemade tortilla's.
i know, what was i thinking??
friday afternoon/nights are hard...i'm just so tired!

but, rebekah's been asking.
so, we're having them.
and having "family night"....which, earlier today i thought would consist of a fun dinner and fun dessert followed by a game or two...we'll see about all that.
can i let them play a game on the wii after dinner and we'll just call it a day?
trying to dig deep here...

but...i'm not sure i'm going to make it through day 4 without a diet coke.
that's ok, right??

happy friday!


Peyton said...

drink a diet coke immediately! that's a direct order :) love you

Holly said...

I second Peyton's command.

Tisha said...

Being a mom is hard! Have a diet coke! Or 2. :)

Katy said...

yep, i think you're crazy to drop diet coke. totally nuts. and for the record, i've NEVER tried homemade tortillas!!! how'd you like them? :)