Friday, February 25, 2011

today in kindergarten

can you guess what today is in kindergarten???
the 100th day of school!
10 braids. 10 barrettes on each braid :-)


Holly said...

* * (that was me...being speechless)

Peyton said...

how is it possible that you have 100 hairclips. seriously, that is a lot of hairclips

Kim Mattes said...

that is one of the most adorable things! and i wonder if she will have a headache at the end of the day with all the extra weight of the clips> ;-)

Five Arrows Farm said...

I love it! My son Carter (in first grade) has 100s day March 16th and we've been thinking of what to do with it... I told him to come look at the computer because a friend's little girl just had her 100th day and I thought he might love her idea.I told him I thought we could make it work... then I scrolled down and showed him your pictures and he laughed and laughed! He said "That IS a great idea, but just not for me, Mom!" :) Anyway, SO cute!

sandi said...

spend the whole of your one wild and beautiful life investing in many lives, and God simply will not be outdone.

~ ann voskamp

this has nothing to do with your post, but i read this today and imediately thought of you.

beckley said...

And it shall come forth to be known, no longer as the 100th day, but now rather, as Bailey Day.

Love her.

Alden and Dorian said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, adorable and SO very appropriate for Miss Bailey! I love the 100th day and the creative way people celebrate it! Way to go Mom.....and Bailey. Let us know what the response was from classmates or teachers ok.

Amy said...

I LOVE it!

Ali said...

awesome. so her!

Stacey said...

those pictures are priceless!!! best 100th day idea i have seen!